AȘKIA Furniture redefines
modern office efficiency at Orgatec!

Launched in 2021 by AȘKIA Furniture, Kameleon Collection reunites a series of high performant acoustic pods designed with the objective of being the most consumer-friendly products on the office market. In less than two years, the collection extended with several new models, as well as with new functionalities and accessories which will now be presented for the first time at Orgatec, the leading international trade fair for modern working environments.
The need to adapt
As the contemporary office space is defined by fast-paced transformations, AȘKIA tries to answer to what new visions of work mean through a suite of attributes that keep up with today’s changing needs: versatility, usefulness, safety, flexibility, mobility and sustainability. Presented under the theme “Adapt and connect”, AȘKIA Furniture exhibition at Orgatec will focus on Kameleon K 1.5 and Kameleon K 1.5+, two of the most complex additions to the collection in terms of configuration possibilities
,,Through its research and design studio – ARS, AȘKIA Furniture is always attentive to the needs of customers. With this desire in mind and based on the feedback of our current clients, we constantly added new attributes to Kameleon Collection. This is how we came to develop LINK, a new range of accessories that come to improve the usefulness and efficiency of our acoustic pods. There are various studies which reveal that people return to the office after the pandemic seeking connection with peers, as this improves productivity. We think this applies to the objects in the office as well. They are more efficient with a link between them, able to easily connect or disconnect in different workplace scenarios.” – Dragoș Motica, Designer & Creative Director AȘKIA Furniture.
The need to connect
Kameleon K1.5 is an acoustic pod designed for individual, longer desk related tasks. Its small size and interchangeable exterior panels allow it to fit in effortlesly in any open space, while the interior is spacious enough to accomodate full equipment for intense desk activities that require deep focus.
However, by analyzing the way that AȘKIA cabins are placed in work spaces post-aquisition, the team identified a new need: the need to connect. ARS designers realized that, whether they are single cabins or larger, Kameleon pods are freequently positioned next to each other. This led to a further research on how could the innovative mounting and dismounting system of the exterior panels be used to better respond to this need. So, in order to connect adjacent cabins, using the same system, elements of different sizes and various functions were created.

By using the diverse elements available in the LINK Collection, AȘKIA offers the possibility for clients and architects to insert Kameleon acoustic cabins in a much more harmonious and efficient way within a workspace.
And, since flexibility is the word that defines Kameleon collection, new accessories were also added to the exterior panels of the cabins, to make them even more versatile. From pots for plants, shelves, hangers and acoustic hoods, various accessories can be placed on a perforated panel of the acoustic pod, to improve the overall experience of a modern workspace.

Adapt and connect with AȘKIA Furniture at Orgatec
Visit AȘKIA Furniture stand at Orgatec in Hall 10.1, Stand C-020. Have a chat with our team of designers, test Kameleon K.1.5+ in premiere and enjoy specialty coffee by Hedone.
Here’s a glimpse of the people who will make our presence at Orgatec even more special:
Currently living and working in Berlin, Kitra draws inspiration from the urban landscape, industrial design, and the digital world, using a mathematical approach to create his geometric abstract-minimalist compositions, evoking the sensibilities of artists such as Frank Stella, Peter Halley, or Imi Knoebel.
We love his vision and approach, so we invited him to a live painting session on the panel of one our Kameleon acoustic booths. Curious of the result? Make sure to follow us on our Instagram.

RIZI Studio
RIZI is a design studio operating at the intersection between architecture, visual communication and technology. Its mission is to build bridges between information and people. RIZI’s projects focus on human experience on every layer: rational, emotional, sensorial – in both physical and virtual realms.
This aligns with our idea of how Kameleon collection can be better explored, so we’re excited to share with you soon video projections by RIZI Studio right from our Orgatec stand.

Last but not least, we’d like to take this opportunity to share with you more about our partnership with Nooka Space, a tech-enabled network of Proximity Offices. They create meaningful remote work experiences for communities. Here’s a photo from one of our collaborations, expect to find it in an airport near you… More to come soon!