ASKIA at BASE Milan 2021

Stay in touch with us
at Milan Design Week!

Long time, no news, just work. Thank you for still being here!

We came back with something exciting we’d like to share with you. We’re part of Milan Design Week this fall, in our first international participation as AȘKIA Furniture! 

Between September 5-12, we will be present at BASE Milan, in a space that explores interdisciplinarity and social innovation through the lens of the different changes we all experienced in the last year and a half.

The general exhibition, titled We will Design, is created at the intersection between a workspace and an intimate area dedicated to living, featuring a couple of our new products launched this year, like Nomad stools and Kameleon Collection.

All you need to know if you want to join us

Safety first

BASE Milan follows the same safety regulations applicable across Italy. To keep everyone safe, only a limited number of people will be able to visit the exhibition simultaneously. At the main entrances, visitors will need to scan their Green Passes, if vaccinated, or fill in an online form, if not.

Free entrance 

Everyone is granted free access during the entire exhibition, with no invitation necessary.

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